IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission

IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission – Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and Research (IIAMR) Bangalore is one of the reputed Private Ayurveda Colleges in Karnataka.

Ayurveda is one among the seven Ayush systems and is referred to as the science of life. For years, it has been a key part of a comprehensive natural healthcare system in India.

It’s based on the principle of health and wellness and believes that health is a state of delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the basic physiological units, according to the Ayurveda which govern various functions in the body.

Their harmony with other body tissues is responsible for the state of health and disharmony is the cause of ill health. The main aim of Ayurveda is to preserve health while other is treatment of different diseases by maintaining balance and harmony between Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Mind and Environment.

Treatment in Ayurveda involves use of drug, diet, lifestyle, Shamana (using Ayurvedic medicines) and Panchakarma (treatment involving five purification methods to eliminate the aggravated doshas).

IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission through Management Quota for the upcoming academic session.

IIAMR – Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and Research

Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine & Research – IIAMR Bangalore, Karnataka, India is the first venture of Sri Krishnarajendra Charitable Trust (SKRCT) registered under the Indian Trust Act and established in the year 1989 as a non-profit organization and whose main objective is to rejuvenate Ayurvedic Education and to support research and development in Ayurvedic Medicine.

IIAMR Bangalore institute specializes in Ayurvedic Sciences and is recognized by Department of AYUSH, New Delhi. It is approved by Government of Karnataka and affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGHUS) Bangalore.

Courses at IIAMR Bangalore

IIAMR Bangalore offers BAMS with an annual intake of 60 students under the affiliation of Rajiv Gandhi Health Sciences (RGUHS) Bangalore. It is also approved by the Govt. of Karnataka and permitted by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.

Call for Direct BAMS or Ayurveda Admission through Management Quota

Departments at IIAMR Bangalore

1. Agada Tantra

Agada Tantra is one among the eight branches of Ayurveda dealing with toxicology, description of different types of poisons and their treatments. This branch also deals with food poisoning, snakebites, dog bites, insect bites and poisoning caused by different poisons plants etc.

It also deals with medicine relation to the law, legal aspect of medical ethics. This department is similar to the department of toxicology and forensic medicine of the modern science.

The department of Agada Tantra has well equipped Museum with informative charts and models. The museum is also having varieties of dry and wet specimens like Snakes, scorpion etc. we also have different weapons for display.

Department is also equipped with different kinds of models which are used by teachers and students for better understanding of the subject.

2. Dravyaguna

The department deals with Ayurvedic medicinal plants, their identification, classical usages with fundamental principles of Ayurveda. The department is fully equipped with various equipment and instruments according to CCIM Norms.

There are models, charts, dry specimens, wet specimens, herbarium, medicine plants which are potted for further cultivations. The practicals are carried out in this pharmacognosy UG laboratory department is having the own museum, where students learn the medicinal plants.

3. Panchakarma

Panchakarma is a therapeutic regime aims at eliminating toxic elements from the body. Panchakarma is performed with three main objectives:

  1. Preventive – Promoting the health of healthy individuals
  2. Curative – Eradicating the disease of a diseased persons
  3. Conservative – Disease suppression and rehabilitation

4. Samhita and Siddhanta

The Department of Samhita and Siddhanta deals with the basic principles of Ayurveda and Sanskrit language. Subjects dealt in the department are – Sanskrit, Padarthavijnana, Ashtangahridaya and Moulikasiddhanta, Charaka (Poorvardha and Uttarardha) and Research and Statistics, which forms the basic foundation of Ayurveda.

5. Shalakya Tantra

The Shalakya Tantra has given prime importance among the 8 branches of Ayurveda. This department mainly deals with understanding the pathophysiology, diagnosis, management of the diseases occurring above neck. i.e., eye, ear, nose, throat, head and oro-dentistry.

Netra roga vignana has utmost importance in ayurvedic classics because – Even if a blind is rich, he cannot enjoy the true vision of the world. This science mainly uses an instrument called SHALAKA (which means a probe) for various procedures; hence known by name SHALAKYA.

6. Swasthavrutta

The aim of Ayurveda is” SwasthasyaswasthyaRakshana”- Prevention of health of Healthy persons and “AturasyaVikaraPrasaman- Curing the diseases of diseased Person.

The department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, emphasizes on maintenance and promotion of health and Prevention of the diseases, through holistic approach of Dinacharya, Ratricharya , Sadritta, Ritucharya, AcharRasayan, Diet, lifestyle modification.

The department also emphasizes practice of yoga and Naturopathy. In modern medical science, it is known as Preventive and social medicine or community Medicine.

In the curriculum, the subject is in 3rd year where students are taught both theoretical and practical knowledge about the swasthavritta, Yoga and Naturopathy.

The department has swasthavritta OPD in hospital providing guidelines to the patients about therapeutic yoga, Pathyaapathya (Diet consultation), Counselling positive life and lifestyle modification.

7. Kayachikitsa

Kayachikitsa is one of the first branch of Ayurveda. This branch deals with various physical and psychological diseases. Kaya means body and Chikitsa means treatment it mainly deals with general medicine.

Specialties of Kayachikitsa Department

  1. Specialized treatment available for musculoskeletal disorders and neurological disorders through Panchakarma and Shaman chikitsa.
  2. Specialized in endocrinal and metabolic disorders like Diabetes, Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disorders and obesity or weight management.
  3. Ayurvedic management of acute and chronic respiratory diseases.
  4. Skin diseases and autoimmune disorders.
  5. Better management of Gastroenterological diseases as well as hematological disorders.
  6. Geriatrics and degenerative diseases management.
  7. Treatment to improve the sexual health and increased fertility rate.

8. Kaumarabritya

Kaumarabritya which literally means ‘nourishing and nurturing children’ is one among the eight branches of Ayurveda which deals with Maternal and Child health. It is considered as the equivalent of Pediatrics in Ayurveda.

Taking care of health issues pertaining to children ranging from newborns to 16 years of age is the main scope of this department. This department focuses on giving academic as well as practical experience to students

Specialties of Kaumarbritya Department:

  1. Monthly ‘SwarnaBindhuPrashana’ for improvement of child immunity and growth and development.
  2. Special Panchakarma therapies for children having mental retardation, cerebral palsy delayed mile stone etc.
  3. Special treatment plan for malnourished children.
  4. Simple herbal medicinal treatment for the child health related acute and chronicissues.

9. Prasooti Tantra

Prasoo Titantra and Striroga is a branch of medicine and medical specialty dealing with the management of women heath (streeswastya) from Menarche to Menopause which includes management of Pregnancy, labor, and post labor recovery period, diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of disease of the female reproductive system and the female genital track.

Prasooti Tantra deals with Obstetric care includes: Antenatal, natal, postnatal, and infertility in systematic method with proper ayurvedic line of treatment and procedures to provide holistic approh.

Striroga department includes care of female obesity, PCOD/PCOS, fibroid uterus, amenorrhoea, abnormal veginal discharge, disturbed uterine bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, premenopausal, and menopausal conditions.

10. Roga Nidana

Department of Roga Nidana evum Vikriti Vigyan is an important department of Ayurveda. The students are given training to develop their diagnostics skills, improve their knowledge in differentiating the science and symptoms of various diseases and are also given training for proper interaction with patients, examination of patience in ayurvedic and modern clinical methods, ECG, Imagine techniques etc.

There are OPD and IPD under the department that provide opportunity for the students to understand and practice the ayurvedic and modern clinical methods and also observe different stages of diseases.

11. Shalya Tantra

The Shalya tantra department is the one among important branch in the field of Ayurvedic science. The teaching faculties of the department are expert in various surgical and parasurgical procedures.

Shalya tantra is clinical department that teaches general surgery in IV professional of BAMS course. This department has its own OPD (General Shalya), IPD, Minor operation theatre (Shastra karma, kshara karma, kshara sutra, Agnikarma & Raktamokshana Units) and Major Operation theatre.

IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission through Management Quota for the upcoming academic session is possible if you have cleared the minimum NEET cutoff.

Call for Direct BAMS or Ayurveda Admission through Management Quota

Facilities at IIAMR Bangalore

IIAMR Bangalore provides all necessary facilities and infrastructure to their students for required for the development of the ayurvedic skills and holistic learning environment.

1. Herbal Garden

The department of Dravyaguna is maintaining an excellent herbal garden consisting of numerous medicinal plants which are used for preparing medicines.

2. Library

The College provides a well-equipped library with a collection of both classical and modern works of Indian medicine. The library is computerized and connected to Internet to browse latest information on medicine.

The collection of periodicals consists of 40 current subscriptions on Ayurveda, nutrition, conventional medicine, journals on research and current advances in Ayurveda from various Universities.

During the academic year, Library is open from Monday to Saturday. Library material is readily accessible to all students, faculty and other doctors of the Institution.

In addition to main collection, library also maintains subscription to various journals, a reference collection, audio visual collection that include audio tapes on Yoga, Ayurveda and CDROMS on medicine, Ayurveda, yoga and herbal drugs and dvd/cd’s/pendrive on presentation of rare cases by various prominent practitioners presented at many seminars.

3. Hostel and Canteen

There are separate hostels for boys and girls, and a canteen caters vegetarian and a few non vegetarian preferences to the students.

4. Sports and Extra Curricular Activities

The Institute has a sprawling sports ground where students are encouraged for playing games such as hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, cricket, baseball and other disciplines. Sports Instructors and coaches are available to train students in various sports disciplines.

In order to encourage the various talents of the students, they are provided with all opportunities to take part in various cultural activities like music, drama, debate, quiz, etc., in college and at inter collegiate levels.

5. Transportation

There is a bus facility to the College Campus from various pick-up point for the students and staff.

BAMS Admission at IIAMR Bangalore

In order to get BAMS Admission at IIAMR Bangalore, you need to meet the minimum requirements prescribed by the Ministry of AYUSH – Govt. of India New Delhi.

Eligibility Criteria

You must have passed intermediate (10+2) or its equivalent examination recognised by the concerned State Government and Education Board with the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have obtained minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the aforesaid qualifying examination in the case of general category and 40% Marks in the case of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.

You should have attained the age of seventeen (17) years on or before the 31st December of the admission year and should not more than of twenty-five (25) years on or before the 31st December of the year of admission in the first year of the course: Provided that the upper age limit may be relaxed by five years in the case of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and physically handicapped candidates.

In addition to above criteria, there shall be a uniform entrance examination for all medical institutions at the under-graduate level, namely the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) for admission to undergraduate course in each academic year and shall be conducted by an authority designated by the Central Government.

In order to be eligible for admission to undergraduate course for an academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum of marks at 50th percentile in the National Eligibility Entrance Test.

IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission

If you are eligible for the programme, but couldn’t get admission into IIAMR Bangalore in the normal counselling process, in that case you try for IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission through Management Quota.

Almost every private ayurveda or AYUSH colleges in Bangalore, have Management Quota in which there are some percentage of their total intake is reserved for BAMS Direct Admission through Management Quota to eligible students.

For IIAMR Bangalore Direct BAMS Admission under Management Quota – Contact ACE GURU Education Services headquartered in Bangalore for Direct Admission Guidance and Support.

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